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Your product selection from Pyle Farms

Freezer Beef

$6.00 per pound

Price for a steer or heifer is $6.00 per pound for hanging weight (the weight the animal weighs after slaughter when it is hanging in the cooler). Normally the hanging weight will be between 600-800 pounds. These are available as a whole, half, or a quarter.

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About Pyle Farms

Pyle Farms is a small cattle farm in Franklin County, NC. We raise SimAngus cattle and sell breeding stock to area cattlemen and provide freezer beef for local customers. Our cattle are raised on our farm on grass and are never confined in a feedlot. They are not given growth hormones or fed antibiotics. Their grass and hay diet is supplemented with oats that we grow on the farm.


Pyle Farms
2402 US 1 Hwy
Franklinton, NC 27525

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Freezer Beef

$6.00 per pound

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Price for a steer or heifer is $6.00 per pound for hanging weight (the weight the animal weighs after slaughter when it is hanging in the cooler). Normally the hanging weight will be between 600-800 pounds. These are available as a whole, half, or a quarter.

Pasture Raised

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